Is drinking cold water good or bad for your health

Is drinking cold water good or bad for your health?

It may surprise you to learn that drinking cold water has a lot of benefits. Discover all of them and the benefits of drinking cold water by reading on.

Is drinking cold water good or bad for your health
Is drinking cold water good or bad for your health

Hot water is considered to be more beneficial than cold water, but drinking any temperature of water—cold, hot, or lukewarm—supports your overall health. To quench their thirst and cool down, some people, however, would rather drink cold water. Are there any particular advantages to drinking cold water, even though hot water is thought to be better for weight loss? Come on, let us find out!

Benefits of drinking cold water

Many people have the habit of drinking cold water because it makes them feel refreshed, especially on hot summer days or after a hard workout.

Here are 7 advantages to drinking cold water:

1. Keeps you hydrated

Drinking water keeps you hydrated, whether it’s warm, cold, or room temperature. Nevertheless, Patil asserts that “compared to warm water, cold water is more refreshing and may increase your overall water intake.” In order to lessen sweating and lower the chance of dehydration, cold water can also be useful. In order to maintain your general health and prevent digestion and temperature swings, make sure you are drinking enough water.

2. Boost metabolism

Unexpectedly, drinking cold water can speed up your metabolism considerably. According to a recent study conducted by German researchers and published in Active magazine, drinking six cups of cold water a day can boost your resting metabolism and result in a daily caloric expenditure of about 50 calories, or roughly the equivalent of fifteen minutes of walking. Efficient and healthy weight loss is facilitated by this increased metabolism.

3. Detoxify your body

By removing toxins from the body and preventing their buildup, which can be harmful to your health, cold water is considered to be a very strong detoxifier. But it’s essential to stay properly hydrated if you want to benefit from these detoxifying effects. If not, symptoms such as headaches, lightheadedness, and exhaustion could.

4. Post-exercise recovery

Your body may experience heightened body temperature and muscle inflammation following an intense workout. Cold water helps lower core body temperature, which relieves overheating and promotes muscle recovery after (or even before) exercise, according to Patil. After working out, you can also take a few minutes to relax in an ice-cold bathtub to help your body heal more quickly and lessen soreness.

5. Pain relief

Specific types of pain may be relieved by using cold water. Patil states that by narrowing blood vessels and decreasing blood flow to the head, it can be useful in treating headaches and migraines. You should exercise caution, though, as using cold water might make symptoms worse if you have a sore throat, menstrual pain, or achalasia, a disorder that prevents food from passing down your esophagus.

6. Promote glowing skin

The advantages of cold water therapy for skin are well known to us. Using ice water on your face reduces redness, swelling, and puffiness, tightens pores, soothes irritation, and enhances the overall complexion of your skin. Cold water can therefore benefit skin health in a number of ways. Actually, minimizing pores with cold water can help you look more radiant.

7. Improved alertness

Cold water is a different drink that has been shown to improve focus and attentiveness in addition to caffeine. “Cold water can provide you with a quick energy boost and improve alertness, making it an excellent choice when you need to stay awake and focused.

Despite all of the health advantages of cold water, it’s important to balance it with room-temperature water, particularly before and after meals, as cold water may cause digestive problems.

Risk factors of drinking cold water

Here are 3 major risks or side effects of drinking cold water:

1. Digestive issues: Some people may experience discomfort in their digestive tracts after drinking exceptionally cold water. This occurs because cold water slows down digestion, which makes it more difficult to break down food and prevents nutrients from being absorbed.

2. Sore throat: Drinking cold water can lead to both a blocked nose and a sore throat. It leaves you open to a variety of respiratory infections.

3. Heart rate change: Another factor lowering the heart rate is cold water. Thus, make sure the water you drink is room temperature.

It’s okay, ladies, to drink cold water as long as you don’t drink it all at once or too cold!

Scarlett Johansson

Hi there! I'm Scarlett, a passionate dietitian and nutrition enthusiast. Join me on a journey to discover the science of healthy eating and practical tips for a balanced lifestyle. Let's nourish our bodies, one bite at a time! 🍏🥑 #NutritionNerd #HealthyLiving

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