Children who spend too much time on screens may be more susceptible to Autism and ADHD

Children who spend too much time on screens may be more susceptible to Autism and ADHD

Autism and ADHD: Studies have revealed a link between children’s screen usage and a hereditary propensity for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). While extended screen time during childhood has been associated with an increased risk of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Children who spend too much time on screens may be more susceptible to Autism and ADHD
Children who spend too much time on screens may be more susceptible to Autism and ADHD

According to a study, children’s screen time and a genetic susceptibility to autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are related. Genetic factors may influence screen use in childhood, despite the link between excessive screen time and the development of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorders (ASD).
According to a study that was published in the journal Psychiatry Research, kids who have a higher genetic predisposition to ASD have a tendency to use screens for longer periods of time—some of them as early as three hours a day.

Additionally, the study showed that even if their early screen usage was restricted, children with a high genetic risk of ADHD increased their screen time as they grew older.

According to the study’s lead author, Nagahide Takahashi of Nagoya University in Japan, kids who are genetically predisposed to ASD are 1.5 times more likely to watch screens for three hours or more a day and 2.1 times more likely to do so for longer than four hours.

Takahashi stressed that instead of being a causative factor, screen time may act as an early warning sign for ASD because kids with the disorder may be more attracted to objects than people.It was his recommendation that doctors hold off on drawing the hasty conclusion that excessive screen time increases the risk of developing ASD.

In order to determine the 437 children’s genetic susceptibility to ASD and ADHD, the study looked at 6.5 million polymorphisms in their DNA. Based on the quantity and kind of gene alterations linked toAutism and ADHD., researchers computed a genetic risk index, or “polygenic risk score.” These results were compared to the kids’ screen time at 18, 32, and 40 months old.

The study also emphasizes the possible dangers of excessive screen time for kids who are at risk for ADHD. Parents and caregivers are advised to approach this issue cautiously and proactively, given the prevalence of gaming addiction and longer screen time in children at risk of ADHD.

The results of this study can aid in the development of more useful parenting techniques, especially for children with neurodevelopmental disorders.

Implications for Parents and Caregivers

These findings may be useful for parents and other caregivers of kids with neurodevelopmental disorders, particularly when it comes to screen time. Instead of feeling bad or under pressure for letting their kids use screens, parents ought to look into different approaches to behavior management.

These tactics ought to be directed toward reducing excessive screen time and encouraging a developmentally appropriate atmosphere for kids. The study emphasizes how crucial it is to comprehend how heredity affects children’s screen time and associated behaviors.

Read also:Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): A Mood Disorder Linked to Depression

Scarlett Johansson

Hi there! I'm Scarlett, a passionate dietitian and nutrition enthusiast. Join me on a journey to discover the science of healthy eating and practical tips for a balanced lifestyle. Let's nourish our bodies, one bite at a time! 🍏🥑 #NutritionNerd #HealthyLiving

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